Iphone x shadow of the tomb raider image
Iphone x shadow of the tomb raider image

iphone x shadow of the tomb raider image

But on the Arc A770, it's (mostly) worth enabling. Ultimately DLSS where available still seems to have the edge, and if you have an Nvidia card you should probably always choose it. The Nvidia card also experienced a lot of screen tearing (with Vsync off). The Arc A770 seems much better suited to XeSS, capable of running in all four of these titles at its ultra-quality setting without tearing and less artefacting than on the RTX 2080. The results it yields on the RTX 2080 are also mightily impressive, but not without its own issues. Death Stranding is an obvious outlier, in my testing yielding a lower average frame rate with it turned on than when playing without it. There are some things to consider with these results, not least that it does appear that XeSS is still very much a work in progress. 1440p (China, DLSS Quality w/ RT) - 52 FPS.1440p (China, XeSS Ultra w/ RT) - 42 FPS.1440p (China, XeSS Ultra, Ray tracing) - 55 FPS.

Iphone x shadow of the tomb raider image update#

We'll update the review according after the 13th Gen drops with more details on these features. For those, you either need a 12th Gen or 13th Gen Intel CPU with integrated graphics. Because I don't have a 12th Gen Intel CPU handy, tools like Deep Link and Hyper Encode are off limits, for now. What this test system does mean is that for now we're mostly focused on gaming. But the A770 will appeal most to those on a more modest budget, so for testing, I've slotted it into my modest gaming PC build as below.Īll games tested were loaded from a Crucial MX500 SATA SSD. There will be a time when we'll do that, when the 13th Gen Core i9-13900K is here we'll put together an "Intel super build" to see what happens there. As tempting as it is to pair the A770 with the most expensive, fastest CPU around, the absolute fastest memory and such, that sort of defeats what kind of build this graphics card is targeted at.

Iphone x shadow of the tomb raider image